Chuyển đến nội dung chính

Nostalgic feeling and “U – shape line” theory

Dịch bài viết của tác giả Khắc Giang. Bản gốc xem tại đây

To comment on “Speak my name mean it’s mine” argument of Chinese, a reader in The Economist said sarcastically “Because the sea names the South China Sea so it belongs to China. So Indian Ocean belongs to India. If it’s real, other nations should change its name. To China, they maybe want to change its name to “Pacific
From Cochin china to U – shape line
Mongolia has undisputed territory from Yellow Sea in Asia to Europe. Wherever they invaded from 12th Century to 13th, belong to present Mongolia. Sons of Genghis Khan completely claim it if China’s misconception becomes right.
The South China Sea that is called “Nan Hai” (South sea) by Chinese, is not really appeared in culture and politics documents of China in a long time. We easily see that in literature and history documents of China, the name “Pinyin” (the East Sea) appears more than the wild sea in the South.
According to researcher Nguyen Dinh Dau, almost China’s maps drew Vietnam with territory water named “Giao Chỉ dương “(the Cochin Sea) or “Đông Dương” (the Indochine sea) from 15th – the first of 20th centuries. The simple meaning of this is sea in the East of Vietnam.
A Cochin Map in “Võ bị chí”
In 11b and 12a pages quotes from map book named “Võ bị chí” (Wubei Zhi) (The book wrote about Trịnh Hòa (Zheng He or Cheng Ho) voyages from China to Africa through Indian Ocean), it drew Vietnam territory simple but also clear. Cochin (Vietnam - Jiaozhi) is near to Kham Chau (Qīnzhōu shì )(China) in the North, Chiem Thanh (Champa) in the South and Cochin Sea in the East.
In 1842, a Chinese writer – Ngụy Nguyên (Wei Yuan) published a book named “Hải quốc đồ chí” (Haiguo tuzhi) which drew a world map with meridian and parallel. In this book, Nguy Nguyen drew two maps of Vietnam. In the first map, cursorily, he split Vietnam into two parts (Vietnam East Capital and Vietnam West Capital). In the sea from east of two parts of Vietnam, Nguy Nguyen noted clearly that “Đông Dương đại hải” (Big sea of Indochine). In this book, Nguy Nguyen also draw a big Vietnam map with meridian and parallel with the South East Sea
Vietnam with South East Sea
So how and when does the broken U – shape line appear to become the reason to China claim three-fourths square of the South China Sea
In the conference of the South China Sea Security operated by CSIS in Washington DC in the middle of June, A Chinese study officially recognized that the broken U – shape line is inherited from Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng (Tuong Gioi Thach - Jiang Jieshi - Chiang Kai-Shek) Authorities. According to professor To Hao (Su Hao), the line had an idea of a Chinese in 1930 and Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng approved in 1947 but the map was only published in domestic without any international claim. Until 1949, when the people republic of China established, new authorities in China continental have published and taught in school.
“A clearly evidence?”

Chinese Authorities told that they had clearly historical evidence to confirm their territory in the South China Sea. That is Chinese with powerful navy force has patrolled from 2.000 year from Hải Nam (Hǎinán) to Indonesia

Chinese fishermen also consider that this sea is a traditional fishery and relics in islands of this sea are proofs of their argument.

That’s why although during 2.000 years in history, no Chinese Kings claim the South China Sea, this sea still belong to China.

There is no reliable evidence to confirm those relics. If it is accepted, Dong Da bone mound will proof that Vietnam is a part of China.

The China views in territory is “If wherever the Chinese vendors and naval come these places will belong to China”. If it is right, maybe England will own all oceans include the South China Sea. .

Casuistry of Name

The international name “the South China Sea” used by European Vendors when they came to China. It didn’t mean that is the territory of China.
And the researcher Nguyen Dinh Dau has explained clearly why name Cochin china (the South China Sea) become Chinese Sea. It’s a mistake of European

But many Chinese misunderstand that the South China Sea mean the sea is possessed by China. Some news in China Daily – a greatest English newspaper in China, they called the South China Sea is “China’s South Sea”.

The misconception has brought many harmful effects: on one hand, it has incited ultra nationalism in China; on the other hand, voice of nations in ASEAN will be decrease in international media about the South China Sea dispute.

That’s why Philippines declare to change the name to “the West Philippines Sea”. Some people suggested that they should change the name to “the South East Asian Sea".

Comment on concept “speak my name mean it’s mine” of China, a commentator in the Economist said sarcastically “Because the sea names the South China Sea so it belongs to China. So the Indian Ocean belongs to India. If it’s real, other nations should change its name. To China, they maybe want to change its name to “the Pacific””

Writer:  Khắc Giang

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